Understanding enemy attack patterns is vital to surviving Isaac runs, so it's best to learn these on the game's default difficulty. Players will also expect to see more champion versions of enemies, which are foes that typically have a status effect that makes them more difficult to fight. In Repentance, the shot-speed of enemies and bosses is set to be faster. New players shouldn't feel obligated to play Repentance on hard mode since it's incredibly difficult to learn the various enemy attack patterns. However, hard mode absolutely lives up to its name now that Repentance has released, as many of the changes in the DLC were focused on revamping it. There are some unlocks tied to completing certain milestones on hard mode and some players do prefer to learn the game on hard so that they can unlock items quicker. The Binding of Isaac: Repentance has two main difficulty settings for the game's primary mode. RELATED: The 6 Biggest Reveals From Nintendo's April 2021 Indie World Showcase Stick to Normal Mode

Given that The Binding of Isaac had around 60,000 active players after Repentance's launch, the DLC has probably drawn in tons of new players who may find these tips and strategies for the game helpful. Outside of the plethora of new additions to the game, plenty of mechanics were tweaked and adjusted in order to provide more of a challenge to long-term players. There are a lot of changes to The Binding of Isaac with the release of Repentance. Rebirth got one final expansion recently with Repentance, which ended up being a complete overhaul of the roguelike experience. The game's two expansions, Afterbirth and Afterbirth+ continued to expand on the amount of content while also bringing controversial changes that some felt made the game a little too easy. The Binding of Isaac: Rebirthwas already a massive and unique roguelike with tons of items, room variations and bosses for players to learn and unlock.